I’m starting the 2020 Profiles in Awesomeness off on an extra awesome note. Kelli Gleiner is a multi-talented artist who uses her talents to help kids all over Cincinnati, including mine, explore their creativity through art. She also is too humble to mention in her profile that she is a published author. Her two books, Cheer Up, Monster and A Day with Monster are favorites with my kiddos. A Day with Monster even got my daughter to willingly take a bath. Kelli is magic!
Kelli Gleiner
Husband Nate, Son Ezra, and Cat Buffy
Company/job/cause/thing that takes the majority of your time
I feel fortunate to be able to do a variety of things to make ends meet and also feed my creative needs. I work part-time at a nonprofit, Madisonville Education and Assistance Center, doing communications and pixel-pushing (I hasten to call myself a designer). I also handle MEAC's day-to-day finances. On Tuesdays, I teach an art class for ages 2-5 at Lilypad in O'Bryonville, which is just delightful. I've been teaching glass classes at Brazee Street Studios and spending at least one day a week learning how to work with glass, which is vastly different than my typical medium, which is felted wool. Both involve sharp things, so there are similarities. I usually spend my nights making things out of wool or folding laundry.
This super cute Screaming Latke is an example of Kelli's glass work.
Favorite Song to Sing in the Shower
I am much more of a car singer than a shower singer, to be honest.
Beverage of Choice
I am 70% carbonated water, 20% coffee, and 10% bourbon.
Best Meal You've Ever Had
Sushi in Salt Lake City, believe it or not!
First thing you'd buy if you won a huge lotto jackpot?
A rambling ranch on a good chunk of land. And a goat. Probably the goat first.
Secret Talent
I'm pretty good at crossword puzzles!
I use The Oakley Soap Co. products because...
They smell AMAZING, they're made with top-quality ingredients, and they are pleasing to look at!
Favorite Oakley Soap Co Product
Good God, Lemon (with Poppyseeds)
Anything else you want to share/promote/tell the world?