Our Blog
Profiles in Awesomeness: Jarrad Holbrook
I must admit that I live vicariously through the Instagram Stories of this month's Profile in Awesomeness. Jarrad Holbrook takes the coolest trips...
July 1 Newsletter
Happy July! How’s your summer going? I think “survival” is the theme of my summer. I'm ready to sign legal guardianship of the interns over to Net...
The One Where I Get Emotional Over a Bucket
To most people, this is just a large bucket. To me, it represents a dream coming to life. This comically large bucket contains a comically large a...
Profiles in Awesomeness: Mandy Hauer of Brand New Day and Juggle Cincinnati
This month I am proud to feature Mandy Hauer as the June "Profile in Awesomeness." Mandy's work with babysitting service Juggle Cincinnati has li...
Profiles in Awesomeness: Adrienne Justice of Tenderfoot Atelier
This month's Profile in Awesomeness is extra special. I'd like to introduce Adrienne Justice, artist, teacher, momma, small business owner and also...
Newsletter: You Didn't Forget about Mother's Day, Did You?
Howdy! Last time I wrote a newsletter the windows were open and the weather was warm. Today I sit under an electric blanket trying to accept that i...
The Shower
She shuts the front door and whining muffles. Instead of every word she just hears phrases. "....it's mine...." "I'mmmm hunnnnnngry." Her shoulder...
Introducing New Spring Soaps
Hi! How are you? By the way, your hair looks AMAZING. Anyhoo, thanks for checking out the newsletter. If you are reading this on t...
Profiles In Awesomeness- Allison Papara from Rocco Bee Collective
Welcome to “Profile’s In Awesomeness”- a look into the lives of some of the awesome customers of The Oakley Soap Co. This month’s profile is of someone I met in kindergarten! That was easily 10 years ago (times 3 plus 2 but let’s not do the math). Allison Papara is a creative maker in many areas but I especially wanted to profile her because I know lots Oakley Soap Co customers would love her fun children’s shirts she sells through her business Rocco Bee Collective.
Profiles in Awesomeness: Katie Schneider
One of the best parts about running The Oakley Soap Co. is meeting my awesome customers. I’ve been so privileged to meet incredible people at marke...
Last Call for Body Butter!
While all may feel cold and bleak now, I promise that spring is just around the corner. That’s good news for those who are over winter but bad new...
February Newsletter
I know you're busy and you don't have time to read this entire newsletter, so let me give you the highlights:
- New sugar scrubs are coming soon
- It's time to bid farewell to two products
- Easter Soaps will be released March 11 and they are cute as all heck
- Come see me at the Hamilton Flea this summer
- February sales benefit UNICEF
- March sales will benefit a family near and dear to my heart